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ATTO Disk Benchmark

by 씨디맨 2008. 9. 4.
ATTO Disk Benchmark


ATTO Disk Benchmark Download

디스크의 읽기 쓰기 능력을 측정하는 프로그램입니다

bench32 - How to use and where to download the ATTO disk benchmark test

Get the ATTO Disk Benchmark

Download the ATTO Disk Benchmark here:

Place the download on your desktop.

Run the ATTO Disk Benchmark

1) Select the drive letter to test.
2) Click on Start
3) Most relevent result is listed next to 1024.

Test configuration: Intel Westville motherboard, ATTO UL4D, Huge U320RX-1200-DM in RAID 0 stripped with ATTO ExpressRAID.


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